Integration with SamGIS
Right now I solved these image segmentation tasks using SamGIS. Here two a use case for automatic instance segmentation of Etna volcano using two different tile providers (OpenStreetMap HOT) and (Nextzen/Mapzen terrarium).
OpenStreetMap HOT
Nextzen/Mapzen terrarium
Scientific basis of the old project (sort of...)
This little project ideally prosecute my Master Degree's work thesis. To bring this idea to the next level (and to try first-hand some cool technologies) I created this fullstack project. Basically I start extracting a geographic area polygon (right now I simply start from the list of volcanoes known worldwide). I use these coordinates to prepare a DTM raster, then elaborated in an RGB (slope - elevation - curvature) image that I submit to a machine learning instance detection. The machine learning model response it's one (or more) array(s) of coordinates points that I can georeference and show on my frontend map.
I have replaced the underlying technology stack of SurferDTM with SamGIS because it offers better performance and it's easier to manage.