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DevOps and JavaScript, Python Developer @mondora, @TeamSystem S.p.A.

February 2016 – present

Software developer at (a TeamSystem S.p.A.) – supplier company of software services, first European B corp society within IT field.


  • Nuxie: software for catalog management and order taking system
  • maintenance of software developed on IBM WebSphere and related custom CI scripts for Banca Popolare di Sondrio (finalized project)

Application Linux SysAdmin @Reply S.p.a

External consultant for SKY Italia, February 2012 – May 2015

Operations Team member in charge of installing, maintaining, configuring and tuning frontend and backend services for various websites and streaming services, both on SKY Italia's internal infrastructure and AWS cloud services:

Production and development system administration (office and on-call work), support for developers.

Application Linux SysAdmin @F2 Informatica Srl

External consultant for SKY Italia, February 2012 – May 2014

Operations Team member in charge of installing, maintaining, configuring and tuning frontend and backend services for various websites and streaming services, both on SKY Italia's internal infrastructure and AWS cloud services:

Production and development system administration (office and on-call work), support for developers.

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