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LISA+SamGIS on ZeroGPU HuggingFace hardware

See this and this page for a basic understand of what is about my project.

Today instead I'm writing about my new demo on ZeroGPU space. Note that ZeroGPU Spaces is currently in beta. PRO users or Enterprise organizations can host their own ZeroGPU Spaces under their namespaces. Also there is need to pay every month for keep the right to use ZeroGPU hardware.

  • I solved some problems caused by spaces.GPU decorator on a function which execution time was too high, causing a timeout. To solve it I started debugging and I ended using spaces.GPU only on functions that really needed the GPU acceleration.
  • I don't like very much svelte (the js library chosen by Gradio team) and I already have a vuejs/vite frontend project that I can re-use. I solved this installing the nodejs 18 Debian package and starting the nodejs build from within the file using

Note that I'm using a timeout period of 48h before putting my space in pause. Any interaction after that could take a while until the space restart.

Last but not least there is my online demo here (Gradio interface) and here (my custom SPA page).

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